Saturday, 6 November 2010

Influenza H1H1 Swine Flu shows activity.

The influenza A H1N1 virus has claimed a vicitm at the begining of the new 'flu season'. A eight year old ochid in Lurgan  Nothern Ireland has, sadly, succumbed to the virus and this was reported in the last week. The child was apparently at a school for children with severe learning disabilities.A spokesperson from the Health Protection Agency said that the death was reminder of the fact that flu infections can causes very severe complications in those patients with underlying health conditions and that vaccinations against flu are strongly reccomended for vulnerable people of all ages.

The annual flu vaccination covers a range of the most likely flu variants that are predicted to be circulating and following the pandemic of 2009 the H1N1 swine flu strain is covered by this years annual vaccine. As the spokesperson from the PHA sayas, as reported by the BBC website, "We would advise all those who are eligible for flu immunisation to make sure they get it as soon as possible."  I totally agree!

The re-emergence of Influenza A H1N1 is not a surprise and follows the expect natural cycle of flu infection, how many more cases we will see and how many will result in fatalities is quite difficult to accurately predict, but rest assured the Department of Health are watching and monitoring.

Another case was also reported in NI last week but this case was in an adult male and not linked to the fatal case.

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